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Star wars the old republic wiki fr

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  1. Star wars the old republic wiki fr cracker#
  2. Star wars the old republic wiki fr code#

Player: You're about to face a squad of the Republic's finest. Player: Sorry, we are in the middle of a business transaction, let me get to you later. Imperial Soldier: Halt in the name of the Empire! You are in possession of stolen Imperial property!

Star wars the old republic wiki fr code#

Player confronts a pirate over a stolen piece of an Imperial code machine*."You're easily distracted by shiny things, aren't you?" "How come we never visit any NICE planets?".Is guilt a Force Power? Why does talking to a Jedi always remind me of talking to my mother?"

Star wars the old republic wiki fr cracker#

*she waves her hands looking up as if saying something magificent* cracker jack. Here comrade, if you see any republic lackeys use this on them," *hands you his spare gun* "Lets go 4-SEN, there's no time to waste." We need to put the base on alert and rally the men. Separatist: "Not recently enough to take any chances. Player: "When was the last time you calibrated that droids sensors?" Separatist: "But that doesn't make sense."

star wars the old republic wiki fr

4-SEN, activate combat protocols, we gotta warn the others."Ĥ-SEN: "Master, my sensors detect no evidence of hostile forces." Player: "By the stars! Republic troops have invaded our base!" Separatist (to the player): Hey there, we had some problems with relay converters, I need to check on the power core, you mind?"Ĥ-SEN: "Master I detect the presence of several non-functioning humans. Death to all who oppose the peoples will, master." Separatist: "Come on 4-SEN say it just like I taught you."Ĥ-SEN: "The Republic lackeys will drown in lakes of fire and blood, master. (while downloading data inside a separatist base) Player: Did someone say something about credits?īounty Hunter: You two make me sick. Mother: He has to be alive, he has to! I must know.

  • (to Risha) "Somebody hates you? But you're sooo.
  • "I have disturbed the fabled Jedi is time for us to leave".
  • "Time for these nuts to meet a nutcracker.".
  • Sergeant Rusk Lord Scourge Jedi Consular
  • "Always up to our necks in bad guys… finding new ones to beat up.
  • "You know what they say about all work and no play.
  • Just once, I’d like to try it the other way."
  • "We’re outnumbered, under-powered and one step behind the enemy.
  • star wars the old republic wiki fr

  • "Dear Czerka, please stop finding ancient horrible things.
  • "Looks like I'm gonna break your record boss.".
  • "Someday, let's retire from this Jedi business.
  • "Have you seen what those Sith are wearing? It's like every fashion designer in the galaxy joined the dark side.".
  • "If they were to mash Hoth and Tatooine into one planet.would it be a decent planet with nice weather?".
  • "You know what I learned during my first council meeting? I can sleep standing up.".
  • "Jedi = Good to go/T7 = All terrain vehicle.".
  • Player: "I don't need to see you when I can smell you." Lord Nefarid: "You cannot fight what you cannot see."

    Star wars the old republic wiki fr